
Introduction to the Old Testament: From Its Origins to the Closing of the Alexandrian Canon is unavailable, but you can change that!

J. Alberto Soggin interacts with the Hebrew Bible in this standard survey, now in its third edition. His critique of these texts as a whole provide a nuanced and helpful discussion suitable for an academic audience.

other similar phenomena of his time, and is saying simply that he was originally a ‘layman’ who lived, not at all badly, by his own labours, and that he was then called to exercise the function of a prophet. (b) According to 1:1 his homeland was the district of Tekoa (coord. 170–115); from the Talmud we hear of a place with the same name in Galilee (coord. 265–191), but we know virtually nothing about it. Therefore the traditional identification with the place south-east of Bethlehem, facing the
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